TMC who initiates a bright future. For PROLONGING LIFE OF PLANET EARTH

Nowadays it is used to familiar word ”The Sustainable.
Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015.
fall into the category of SDGs goals 13.
“Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”
as a corporate mission from founded in 1986 Japan doesn’t have mineral resources, but Japan is one of the leading urban mining countries in the world.
It is necessary for use the resources of urban mining is recycling technology.

Fortunately, TMC has recycling technology that we have accumulated since our founding.
The recycling technology is packed with the necessary elements that the entire planet is aiming for.

We will not only inherit the technology, but also add value that fit with the times, develop technology that is friendly to both people and the environment, and develop businesses that only we can do.

In addition, everything is becoming more automated, and artificial intelligence is making remarkable progress.
But isn't there something that only people can do?
I think that I want to have an intimate relationship with customers, partner companies, and employees.

We will inherit the trust and achievements built up by our predecessors and we will continue to be a company that solves social issues in response to rapid environmental changes with a flexible attitude.